The What: Ask three people you know, what they think are serious problems in the world, and what needs to be done to help solve them.
Tell them this is a serious question, and you would appreciate a serious response. *Offing someone, no matter who or what they are, is not a serious, well-considered answer or option.
Ask each person separately so they don’t influence each other and ask them not to discuss this with anyone else as you have two (or one) other people to talk with.
The Why: When was the last time you were asked your opinion on something consequential? This is your opportunity to get something off your chest and out there (anonymously, of course) for others to read, think about, and hopefully discuss, as well. That’s a big deal.
The When: And over time may these Planned Acts we do, both large and small, come back to us full circle …
* If you don’t know, look it up.
You have until Midnight of each day to do and record your PAK on Twitter using the hashtag #MyDailyPAK and be sure to follow and tag us @PlannedActs.
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