Our Mission is helping ensure Quality of Life for people and the planet.
Problem #1:
The increasing lack of civility in our country and the world has led to a deeply polarized population in many areas: Political, economic, health, gender, race, nationality, etc. The mentality of “If you don’t think like me you must automatically be against me.” The end result is that people are upset, angry, disillusioned and fearful of their future.
Mission #1:
Each day Karma Club members all over the world wake up and on their cell phones, computers and devices, there is a daily Planned Act of Kindness that they can do with their family, friends, co-workers and in their community.
The goal is to have tens of millions of people doing the same thing on the same day and unleashing that much powerful, positive energy into world.
Study after study now show that the key to living a happier healthier life is not a question of how much money you make, or how much drugs you take, it’s a question of the quality of your relationships and your sense of community. And, and this what Planned Acts helps enhance.
Problem #2:
The problems of the world — climate change, pollution, overpopulation, pandemics, war, and terrorism — are not going to be solved by governments or corporations alone, but by ordinary people working on common causes with a common purpose.
And the tipping points for these problems are not going to be 20 or 30 years in the future, they are now. If we don’t get these problems under control the world will be a very different place for billions of people, and not in a positive way.
Mission #2:
Whenever governments or corporations are not operating in the best interest of people and the planet there are hundreds of millions of people in the Karma Club that can come to bear in a peaceful way in order to solve the problem.
The Time To Get Involved Is Now!
Our Goals:
2022: Achieve Participation from People in Every Country on the Planet & over 100 Governments Worldwide 2023: Launch Community Partnership Centers in 10 test cities to better serve our 5 x 5 Individuals & Institutional Objectives 2024: Have Companies, News Organizations, Governments Devote a Percentage of their Outreach to PAK/1POP Work 2025: Surpass over 10,000 Companies & Organizations in One Planet One People Think Tank Collaboration Teams 2026: Announce to the World our Collective Success in Pushing Back on two of the most pressing Global Issues that threaten Quality of Life |
2022 PAK: Reach 2,500,000+ Karma Club PAK Members / 3,551 Full-Time Aggregate Volunteers Monthly
2022 BOOKS: Surpass 1,000,000 ONE Books in Circulation and Publish Six targeted SDG “16 Things We All Can Do” Titles
2022 WORKSHOPS: Have over 150,000+ people attend 1POP Book-Based Workshops
2022 COURSES: Bring our Quality of Life Education & Action Courses to Schools, Faith-Based Orgs & Businesses in over 20 Countries
2022 CLUBS: Operate 300+ One Planet One People (1POP) Clubs around the World
2022 EVENTS & ACTIVITIES: Hold 12+ Town Halls, Conferences and Summits around the World
2022 GAMES: Release the Board & Digital Game: One Planet – One People: The Fight for Survival of the Human Race
2023 PAK: Reach 12,000,000+ Karma Club PAK Members / 17,045 Full-Time Aggregate Volunteers Monthly
2023 BOOKS: Surpass 4,000,000 ONE Books & 1,500,000 16 Things Books in Circulation
2023 WORKSHOPS: Have over 1,000,000 people attend 1POP Book-Based Workshops
2023 COURSES: Bring our Quality of Life Education & Action Courses to Schools, Faith-Based Orgs & Businesses in over 60 Countries
2023 CLUBS: Establish 1,200+ One Planet One People (1POP) Clubs around the World
2023 EVENTS & ACTIVITIES: Hold 48+ Town Halls, Conferences and Summits around the World
2023 GAMES: Surpass 2,000,000 “One Planet – One People: The Fight for Survival of the Human Race” Games in Distribution
2024 PAK: Reach 30,000,000+ Karma Club PAK Members / 42,613 Full-Time Aggregate Volunteers Monthly
2024 BOOKS: Surpass 12,000,000 ONE Books in Circulation and Publish 18 targeted SDG “16 Things We All Can Do” Titles
2024 WORKSHOPS: Have over 4,000,000 people attend 1POP Book-Based Workshops
2024 COURSES: Bring our Quality of Life Education & Action Courses to Schools, Faith-Based Orgs & Businesses in over 120 Countries
2024 CLUBS: Establish 3,600+ One Planet One People (1POP) Clubs around the World
2024 EVENTS & ACTIVITIES: Hold 200+ Town Halls, Conferences and Summits around the World
2024 GAMES: Surpass 6,000,000 “One Planet – One People: The Fight for Survival of the Human Race” Games in Distribution
2025 PAK: Reach 90,000,000+ Karma Club PAK Members / 127,840 Full-Time Aggregate Volunteers Monthly
2025 BOOKS: Surpass 24,000,000 ONE Books & 6,000,000 16 Things Books in Circulation
2025 WORKSHOPS: Have over 9,000,000 people attend 1POP Book-Based Workshops
2025 COURSES: Bring our Quality of Life Education & Action Courses to Schools, Faith-Based Orgs & Businesses in over 180 Countries
2025 CLUBS: Establish 10,000+ One Planet One People (1POP) Clubs around the World
2025 EVENTS & ACTIVITIES: Hold 600+ Town Halls, Conferences and Summits around the World
2025 GAMES: Surpass 18,000,000 “One Planet – One People: The Fight for Survival of the Human Race” Games in Distribution
2026 PAK: Reach 250,000,000+ Karma Club PAK Members / 355,113 Full-Time Aggregate Volunteers Monthly
2026 BOOKS: Surpass 40,000,000 ONE Books in Circulation and Publish 24 targeted SDG “16 Things We All Can Do” Titles
2026 WORKSHOPS: Have over 27,000,000 people attend 1POP Book-Based Workshops
2026 COURSES: Bring our Quality of Life Education & Action Courses to Schools, Faith-Based Orgs & Businesses in over 200 Countries
2026 CLUBS: Establish 28,000+ One Planet One People (1POP) Clubs around the World
2026 EVENTS & ACTIVITIES: Hold 1,800+ Town Halls, Conferences, and Summits around the World
2026 GAMES: Surpass 36,000,000 “One Planet – One People: The Fight for Survival of the Human Race” Games in Distribution
Get in the habit of taking the proper precautions. Even if you miss tracking your achievements one day, pick it back up the next day. The more you do, the easier it becomes and the greater your benefits: Not getting infected or not getting others infected. Plus, there’s a point system to help track your achievements and reward you with badges when you obtain certain milestones.
Play it forward and pass the PAK app on to family, friends and co-workers. Share it with your school, place of worship, orgs, businesses, and government agencies. Your engagement earns points in the Karma Club where you can level up and be eligible for monthly recognition and rewards.
Planned Acts of Kindness is a volunteer-based non-profit organization that creates innovative systems to help solve global issues that threaten Quality of Life for kids, people and the planet. Whether you have four hours a month or 40 to volunteer — your time, energy and efforts are appreciated. Click the Karma Club tab to select the volunteer programs that match your interests.
Our Vision:
Our Vision is to have millions of people around the world working together as one to help solve the global problems that confront Quality of Life on our planet.
2022: Achieve Participation from People in Every Country on the Planet & over 100 Governments Worldwide
2023: Launch Community Partnership Centers in 10 test cities to better serve our 5 x 5 Individuals & Institutional Objectives
2024: Have Companies, News Organizations, Governments Devote a Percentage of their Outreach to PAK/1POP Work
2025: Surpass over 10,000 Companies & Organizations in One Planet One People Think Tank Collaboration Teams
2026: Announce to the World our Collective Success in Pushing Back on two of the most pressing Global Issues that threaten Quality of Life
To Achieve Our Mission, Goals, Vision & Dreams:
We Must Demonstrate Consistency, Persistency & Insistency and Live Life with:
1. Desire
2. Determination
3. A Willingness to Learn
4. Action
Saving Our Planet
Absolutely, The problems of the world — climate change, pollution, overpopulation, pandemics, terrorism and war — are not going to be solved by governments or corporations, but by ordinary people working together on common causes with a common focus.
The tipping points are not going to be 20 to 30 years in the future, they are now. If we don’t get these problems under control the world will be a very different place for billions of people, and not in a positive way.

The Data Is In, We Have Less Than 20 Years To Fix Our Global Problems Or The World As We Know It Will Come To An End
If you listen to the pundits and prognosticators, the world is poised on the edge of a knife …
- Scientists have concluded that Climate Change is the biggest threat to our survival
- Politicians have concluded that Terrorism is the biggest threat to our survival
- Generals have concluded that War is the biggest threat to our survival
- Doctors have concluded that a Pandemic is the biggest threat to our survival
- Economists have concluded that Overpopulation is the biggest threat to our survival
- Environmentalists have concluded that Pollution is the biggest threat to our survival

A sampling of the many factors that can irrevocably change the course of the life on the planet if we don’t actively work to reverse the trajectory of the past 100+ years :