COVID-19 is a crisis that has devasted families through the triple threat of illness, financial hardship, and death. Almost 400,000 people in the United States — and 2.8 million people worldwide — are projected to die by the beginning of 2021.
People that have lost family have been absolutely devastated by this virus. If we can make their suffering a little bit more bearable by having them go through the therapeutic process of connecting with the joyous times in that person’s life, we can help create a legacy for them that will live on for generations. And the pain of loss can be replaced by tears of happiness when they revisit their loved one through the book.
This is how you can “Be The Hero” and help: For example, share the graphics on your social media accounts along with a personal note:
Our hearts go out to all the families that have lost loved ones due to COVID-19. Join me and PlannedActsofKindness.Org as we work to give every family in the world a free Legacy Lifelines Memorial book. To help reach everyone, please share this with as many people and groups as you can. With your help, we can make it happen. We have “One Planet & One People” on this planet. We’ll all in this together. Thank you.
You can also contact People of Influence in government, companies, organizations, and schools and ask them to pass on the Planned Act of Kindness gift.

It’s easy to become part of the solution by doing any of the following:
Social Media: Share information on the book give-away on your platforms. We make it easy, just drag & drop or copy & paste the attached information into your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and linked-in accounts.
Power of One: Personally reach out to family, friends, associates, media connections and ask them to share information on the book give away with their networks.
Community Engagement: Help us make top-down connections so we expand our outreach to give away more books and help more families. Pick one or more areas where you can reach out and connect: Media; Schools; Church/Temples; Non-Profits/NGOs/Foundations; Governments & Agencies and Businesses.
Testimonial: Please drop us a short Video or note with your picture that we can use to help promote the program and book give away.
Public Service Announcement: We can do a Video that has a wider reach. Let’s talk and make it happen!
Sponsorships: Help us make connections so we can help more people and give away more books. We can also discuss how this program can help you.
Donations: We’ll match your donations to Planned Acts of Kindness with Free copies of the book that you can use as gifts. Depending on your order, we can customize the books by adding your name on the cover, having your own “dedicated to” message, and adding in a chapter with a more personalized message inside the book.
Custom Partnerships: Explorations are very much welcome — just reach out and contact us.
Suggestions Always Welcome: Any other ways you can think of to help? Your help in healing these families is much appreciated. So, thank you.